The word on the street is that lithium-needing Bengals receiver Chad Johnson has changed his last name to Ocho Cinco. Let's hope he doesn't get traded and reassigned an new number.
According to a Miami radio station, which is in Johnson’s hometown, the receiver had legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco.” Johnson’s — sorry — Ocho Cinco’s reported name change has been rumored in NFL circles for weeks, and according to the station today, is now official.
Johnson forewarned the public that a major surprise was coming during a recent interview on ESPN’s SportsCenter. Some folks are already calling him an idiot, but this is the best thing since Ron Mexico appeared on jerseys. But hey, if you want to be known as Hercules J. Billionaire or Brick Roughchest, go ahead.
And in spite-related name-change news, the UFC Fighter formerly known as Jon Koppenhaver has formally changed his name to “War Machine.” He was apparently happy with it as only a nickname until a trademark claim by TNA Wrestling (who?) made him take decisive action. He wrote on his blog:
According to a Miami radio station, which is in Johnson’s hometown, the receiver had legally changed his last name to “Ocho Cinco.” Johnson’s — sorry — Ocho Cinco’s reported name change has been rumored in NFL circles for weeks, and according to the station today, is now official.
Johnson forewarned the public that a major surprise was coming during a recent interview on ESPN’s SportsCenter. Some folks are already calling him an idiot, but this is the best thing since Ron Mexico appeared on jerseys. But hey, if you want to be known as Hercules J. Billionaire or Brick Roughchest, go ahead.
And in spite-related name-change news, the UFC Fighter formerly known as Jon Koppenhaver has formally changed his name to “War Machine.” He was apparently happy with it as only a nickname until a trademark claim by TNA Wrestling (who?) made him take decisive action. He wrote on his blog:
Turns out some gay ass wrestling federation threatened to sue [UFC] because they recently named one of their wrestlers The War Machine Rhino and trademarked the name. Too fuckin’ bad that I have been using this name for 6 years, have it tatted on my body and it is what my fans yell out when I’m fighting. If you know my personality then you know damn well I am not gonna let some faggot ass, FAKE wrestler steal MY name… SO 6 weeks ago I filed a change of name request and today I had court to make my name officially WAR MACHINE.

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