And then there were the female athletes - literally thousands of them - strutting, shimmying, sashaying and jogging around the village, clad in Lycra and exposing yard upon yard of shiny, toned, rippling and unimaginably exotic flesh. Women from all the countries of the world: muscular, virile, athletic and oozing oestrogen. I spent so much time in a state of lust that I could have passed out.
Sounds nice. Any particularly good anecdotes?
There is a famous story from Seoul in 1988 that there were so many used condoms on the roof terrace of the British team's residential block the night after the swimming concluded that the British Olympic Association sent out an edict banning outdoor sex.He ends up hypothesizing that higher levels of testosterone and the release from Spartan training regimens makes everybody eager to hold hands and do whatever it is mommy and daddy do, which makes the last half of the article pretty boring, actually. But if you want to get really crazy, ESPN has a huge scoop on all that gold medal sexy (and don't worry that it's from the last Olympiad - it's still relevant and detailed as hell).

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