Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is Jesus Your Friend?

I almost posted this last week when I saw it, but now, I feel more than compelled, with the discovery album.

It is a gem, a truly cornball religiouska masterwork purportedly by the band Sonseed. Something about the video seemed so totally awesome — so pitch-perfect goodbad™ — that, in this age of big-budget viral fakes (a little color temperature adjustment here, a little VHS video noise there, and, hey presto, the DORITOS EXTREME SONSEED campaign is ready to roll!), it quickly generated a bit of controversy. The only way to confirm it was legit was to find a copy of Sonseed's actual 1983 record album...and the interweb did not fail.

Sonseed's First Fruit is now ready for you — click the image above to download it and try to enjoy. It's the real deal - an album full of, well, religious 80's music, and, uh, that's pretty much it. If you're an internet completist, you'll probably get a kick out of it, but for tourists, I warn that you've already probably heard the best song.

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