If you buy electronics and gadgets on a normal basis, you really come to realize how incredible wasteful all the packaging is. Something is shipped to you in a box that's packed with styrofoam. Inside it, you find another box packed with more styrofoam and whatever good you ordered. But this lamp is different...t has no extra packaging because it is the packaging.
An egg-cartony, paper pulp box, the container is shaped like a lamp and thereby becomes a lamp. It stores the necessary hardware safely inside. And when the lamp arrives at its destination, the bulb and other electrical materials can be repositioned in their more precarious, installed positions.
An egg-cartony, paper pulp box, the container is shaped like a lamp and thereby becomes a lamp. It stores the necessary hardware safely inside. And when the lamp arrives at its destination, the bulb and other electrical materials can be repositioned in their more precarious, installed positions.
You can't build every electronic in this manner, but maybe a cardboard computer or speakers could be soon...
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