“Big Gerry was a giant purple dildo, very large in girth and length. Basically, anybody that was caught going to sleep would get photographed with Big Jerry the dildo somewhere near their face and put up on the Board of Shame. The idea was three strikes and you’re out. This kind of really worried me because I have a tendency to nap. If I have 10 or 15 minutes you’d find me in a corner underneath something but I never got caught. Brad (Pitt) was up there once on the Board of Shame, Gideon Burkhard got caught twice, Diane (Kruger) was on the board… There was a lot of people on that board.”
Making movies is hard work, and sometimes you just need to take a few minutes and catnap. But making movies is also hard work, and sometimes you just need to take a few minutes and have a laugh. I tried to institute that here at work, and they didn't go for it. Nobody was ever sleeping, but worse, everybody wanted to take their picture with it. Especially my two gay employees. So much for my dream of a wall full of dildo pictures. But you know who else has a photo wall like that? You guessed it, your mom.
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