Massachusetts-based musician Samuel Bartley Steele is suing Bon Jovi for 400 BILLION DOLLARS for allegedly stealing his lyrics from (Man I Really) Love This Team to create the hit I Love This Town. Four-hundred BILLION. Not million. BILLION. We’re talking more than half the bailout package here. Steele claims $100,000 for each CD sold. Since there were 4 million sold, that totals $400 billion in damages. Sounds simple, doesn’t it?Determining the dollar amount on a lawsuit like this is much more complicated than that. Before I became a brilliant (and extremely wealthy) blogger, I worked as a financial analyst for a securities fraud law firm. One of my main jobs was to calculate losses for large public pension funds. So I consider myself a bit of an expert when it comes to damages in lawsuits. Therefore, allow me to shed some light on how Bon Jovi owes Samuel Bartley Steele $400 billion:

Makes more sense now, doesn’t it? Feel free to use this whenever you find yourself suing Jon Bon Jovi.
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