I think we just need to get this election over with. I'm tired of all the back and forth - you should have known who you were voting for last year as the candidates started throwing their hats into the ring...nobody cares who is a party's actual candidate except the opposition. Undecideds should not get a vote in this election - either you side with the Republicans and want more of the same eight-years-of ruin-or you side with the Democrats and want something, anything that's different than the decade from hell. No Peace and Freedom party. No Independents. No Green Party. No Libertarians. No Hillary Dems. No Ralph Nader.
You should know already, so let's stop the charade.
No more Sarah "I'm an unqualified idiot with no business even being a PTA secretary" Palin, no more double talk, and no more debates that say nothing and mean even less. If it had any relevance, I'd have bothered to watch the debate last night, but it's just a big waste of time. And here's the bottom line:

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