Esquire, the hip younger brother to GQ, is more prone to misses ("the color quotient" of how much of any given color should appear in your closet in any given time - 0% brown, really?) as they are to hits, but they did address how pant manufacturers are stretching the sizing truths of their goods.
Being in the rag trade, I know that garments have a "tolerance": the +/- for any particular item to determine if the construction and size matches the design specs, and you may have anywhere from 1/2" to an inch on a waist, bust, or sleeve measurement. But this is far beyond that. The term is called "vanity sizing," and pants manufacturers are trying to flatter you. You can see from their chart that there's up to five extra inches on a size 36 pant, and I'll add that I'm not surprised that Dockers and Old Navy are at the biggest end, given the type of guy I usually see in them. Same goes for the waifs in H+M (where I'll add that I could barely find an XL dress shirt one time; 17 1/2", 34-35 should be common). Anyhow, try before you buy, since there are still some places that make pants in the correct size.
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