Thursday, May 22, 2008


On the eve of his return to the big screen, The Thighmaster dug up plenty of Indiana Jones informata and trivium.

First, Empire magazine's Indy month, including
the people who were almost cast, name the character, and Indiana clones. Yes, 30 days of hype and history - an adventure onto itself! Thirsty after that? Have a Diet Coke!

What about the scoop on the Indiana Jones ride at
Disneyland? Here you go! And if that's not enough pop-culture blending of icons, then go through the dozen or so Simpsons references over the years. Or load up on Indy carbs with Kellogg's! If you're still hungry you can have a Dr. Pepper or Burger King (they have toys too).

You can
travel to the hotspots Dr. Jones has been to, or just choose your own adventure (books, that is), and even make up your own, Mad Libs style. Or parody it altogether.

Find out how Spielberg invented PG-13, or see what Kate Capshaw has had since Temple Of Doom. Watch Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom (NES version) on a deathless speedrun. Like porn in your adventure? Wank some San Fernando Jones and the Temple of Poon and Indiana Mack action! And for the discerning computer, SF Fedora
Jones lotto scratch offs from Idaho, Florida, Michigan, Texas, Tennessee, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, the UK, Australia, and Indiana (duh)! The most Star Wars actors in a non-Star Wars film! Real people named Indiana Jones, and one even from Marion, Illinois! Behold, the power of the Ark!

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