Thursday, December 20, 2007


Tom Tancredo dropped of the 2008 presidential race and endorsed Republican rival Mitt Romney, which begs the question: who is Tom Tancredo?

Tancredo, apparently a five-term congressman from Colorado, consistently polled at the bottom of the nine person Republican field. Are you sure somebody isn't just making his office bid up? I half expect to look at footage from the last six months and see him digitally inserted into the picture like Forrest Gump.

He announced his withdrawal two weeks before Iowa begins the presidential nominating process with its precinct caucuses, which promise to give he and I an equal number of votes. Yes, that's right, but unlike the pompous hopeful I realize my bid has zero effect on how the vote shakes out for the rest of the candidates.

"I fear remaining in this race, one which I cannot win, would contribute to the nomination of one of these candidates," he said, identifying Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Arizona Sen. John McCain. This one trick pony has based his campaign on immigration alone, and viewpoints on any other subjects is mostly unknown.

Tancredo said he and Romney met Thursday for more than an hour and he left the meeting convinced that the former Massachusetts governor would do what's necessary to fight illegal immigration. "He is the best hope for our cause," Tancredo said.

Tancredo announced in October that he would not seek a sixth term in Congress, but hinted he would consider running for the Senate after his presidential bid. He may also go to the border to build a wall to keep immigrants from crossing, or form his own vigilante group of patriots who protect citizens from the threat of illegal aliens called Tancredo Force.

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