American Apparel ads are no stranger to these parts, as I enjoy each and every opportunity to lash out at them and criticize their hipster pron and retardedly poor taste in design. A site called StyleCrave has compiled the 50 sluttiest American Apparel ads. They excluded the nude photos, but once you see the rest, there's only the finest of lines there's some highlights / lowlights:
American Apparel’s First Porn Star: Lauren Phoenix
In 2005, American Apparel decided to opt for a different genre of model to sell their latest socks. The ad copy here reads, “Meet Lauren Phoenix. 150lbs of magic. Actress. Director. Look her up on Google.” Don’t try that at work. Interestingly, she's often found wearing nothing but her genius?
Sexually Suggestive Advertising 
This ad sells gray underwear. And sex. But you can only get one of those at their stores (though the other that have outside). Out in 2008, this two-panel ad shows a lovely young model tending to the needs of the photographer in an oral fashion - just like in real life!. Rarely does American Apparel feature men and women side-by-side in their ads, probably because it makes masturbating harder.
Diamond Girl’s Sex Appeal 
In a world where money is of no consequence, we’d all have a nearly naked gal on our coffee tables. Damn the recession, for costing us our own table top whore and putting otherwise talentless young ladies Miss “Diamond Girl” is showcasing little more than her flexibility and sex appeal – and that “little more” is a diamond-pattern mesh leotard. Leotard or no leotard, she beats any coffee table book I’ve ever seen.
How To Sell Panties 
At this point, you’re likely asking yourself, “are these ads targeted to men or women?” From a marketing standpoint, they would say “both”. American Apparel uses the "Victoria’s Secret effect", albeit in a much more raw fashion. Basically, they know these ads turn men on. They want to turn their men on. Thus, they buy the clothing. It’s the same model Victoria’s Secret has used for over a decade. In short, this is a brilliant way of selling panties. And Kleenex by the gross.
What Is This Ad Selling? 
The correct answer is this ad sells pants. Even if less than 25% of said pants are shown in the ad above. Slim Slack Pants: $74. Hand bra not included.
Coffee Table Trinket 
More table-toppers. I swear there was a different girl on that table a minute ago. This ad is a pair of stirrups away from being a pap smear. And I bet there is a series of unreleased photos where is does.
Faye Reagan With Clothes On 
Another porn star with her own ad in American Apparel. Faye (formerly Valentine) Reagan, is almost unrecognizable, without a line of cocks in her face. Honestly, it's tame, but your imagination of what comes next is what is filthy.
Find’m Hot, Leave’m Wet 
Word is that was the motto of the 132nd Hooters wet t-shirt brigade out of Daytona Beach. There was more, about "hide'm good" and deny'm guilt", but it was apparently sending the wrong message. To consumers.
You Too Can Be A Star 
Yanyan loves American Apparel. The girl with the cliche off-the-boat name loves them so much, in fact, that she wanted to star in them herself. Yanyan snapped a series of photos of herself wearing American Apparel gear in brand-appropriate poses and sent them on to AA. Naturally, they made her a model.
The Booty
I hope this image isn’t on your screen when your boss walks by. This ad from 2007 shows just how good tiny panties can look on a perfect posterior. They could be selling radiator seals and I wouldn't know it. And I'd buy six of them.
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