Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shamrocks And Shenanigans

Fine Malt Lyrics

• In 1780, to honor his many Irish troops, General George Washington issued a proclamation during the Revolutionary War, declaring St. Patrick’s Day a holiday for the Continental Army. Washington remarked that the proclamation was “an act of solidarity with the Irish in their fight for independence.”

• St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by many nationalities, especially the 34.7 million U.S. residents who claim Irish ancestry. This number is almost nine times the population of Ireland itself. Irish is the nation’s second most frequently reported ancestry, trailing only those of German ancestry.

• There are nine places in the U.S. that share the name of Ireland's capital, Dublin. The two largest cities are Dublin, California, with a population of 39,328, and Dublin, Ohio, with a population of 34,964.

• Guinness weighs in at about 170 calories per 16-oz. serving. Guess how many are in a 16-oz. Strawberry Surf Rider smoothie from Jamba Juice? 330.

• Blue, not green, was the colour long-associated with St. Patrick. Green, the colour most widely associated with Ireland, Irish people, and St. Patrick's Day in modern times, may have gained its prominence through the phrase "the wearing of the green" meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing. The color change probably began around the 1750's.

• The longest-running Saint Patrick's Day celebrations in the U.S. are:

- Boston, Massachusetts: since 1737

- New York City: since 1762 (247th Consecutive Parade in 2008)

- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: since 1771

- Morristown, New Jersey: since 1780

- New Orleans, Louisiana: since 1809

Chicago, Illinois: since 1843

• In a strange coincidence both Billy Corgan and Melissa Auf Der Mar (yum) share a birthday...I'm sure it was just hot, female, and bassist for criteria when he brought her into Smashing Pumpkins.

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