Monday, October 27, 2008

The Jury Also Does Time

We have resumed the trial, but it is not moving along very well. Barely at all.


Because the three defense attorneys are totally wasting time and not addressing any kind of defense that is relevant. I'm befuddled at the lack of coherent questioning and direction they have exhibited. If all they are attempting is to railroad the trial so that it takes the maximum possible time to complete, and therefore keep their clients out of jail, they win. We're still on the first witness, and there's at least a trio more for the prosecution and maybe the same number for the defense. If I hated criminal attorneys before, now I wish for their utter destruction.

And the judge thought last week we'd be deliberating by today.

He's been frustrated by the drag as well, but I don't know what's going to happen is it goes past Wednesday, where I understand he has other cases on his calendar. And I'm going nuts worrying about work and not being there full time during the end of month. Because somehow, no matter how busy we are with other projects, if some of the pending work for my clients isn't done on time for the end of the week, I'm sure blame will fall back on me - even though I'm not there. Not good. Not good at all.

1 comment:

famous m said...

I'll give you the number to the in a bomb threat.