Monday, October 6, 2008

Band Fans?

Dare we even suggest the Charlie is a MAGNA fan? Sure, that's not one of the band's actual shirts, but It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is awesome and so is MAGNA, so together...isn't that like science or something?


daniel said...

i actually saw this too and was a little unsettled. then i did some research and discovered that magna is a brand of cigarettes. apparently magna brand cigarettes are so hipster-cool that the strokes aped their logo for a t-shirt. i'm even more unsettled now. i learn new things everyday that make me want to puke.

Jason Laurvick said...

Magna is also the most diversified automotive supplier in the world (according to their website...)primarily to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) of cars and light trucks in our three geographic segments - North America, Europe, and Rest of World (primarily Asia, South America and Africa).