A Murfreesboro woman says she returned $97,000 she claims to have found in a Tenessee Cracker Barrel restroom, yet police said they have no report of the find. Because why invole the athorities when huge amounts of cash are found?
Billie Watts (75) said she discovered the money inside a tapestry bag hanging from a hook on a stall door last week. While digging through the bag to figure out its owner (which is totally what you'd do with a mysterious bag you bind in a bathroom), Watts says she found a bundle of neatly stacked $1,000 bills. She and her husband took the money home, but later called the restaurant back and asked if there was a lost-and-found department. She was told yes, and left her number.
A woman called about 15 minutes later and verified she was the owner by identifying pictures left in the bag. Watts returned the bag to the owner, whom she described as an elderly woman, but said she does not have the woman's last name or phone number. The unidentified woman told her that the money came from selling her home and her belongings and that she was going to start a new life in Florida with her son. Watts says the woman offered to pay her $1,000, but Watts refused it, the samaritan she is.
And the perfectly questionable ending to this happy tale is that the manager of the Cracker Barrel restaurantnor any employees actually saw the money or the elderly owner.
Perhaps now is the time fo me to share some of my goods deeds with the public...and no, you'll also just have to take my word for it.
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