Sarah Palin's 18 year old daughter Bristol has given birth to a son. And yes, it has a retarded name. Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, is is all fucked for life with that loser lineage.
The father is Levi Johnston, who's best summation by the media is as a "former hockey player at Alaska's Wasilla High School". Loser. Johnston, who dropped out of high school to take a job on the North Slope oil fields as an apprentice electrician, said he was a little shocked to learn that Bristol was pregnant but quickly warmed to the idea of being a father. Considering the national spotlight on their stupidity. And I'm not just talking about being a high school dropout to work in the oil fields. Really, can wait a few more months just to prove you're not a backwoods bumpkin and get that piece of paper? The siren call of the oil fields too strong? Double fucking loser.
On the first day of the Republican National Convention in September, Palin announced that, in line with the terrific Republican family ideals, her unwed daughter was pregnant. Levi Johnston's mother eventually disclosed that her 18-year-old son was the father. Yes, the same mother that was arrested on felony drug charges this month involving OxyContin.
Seeing how much better this has made our country and our society, I wish the whole Palin family could be aborted.
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