Bristol Palin, the 17 year old daughter of Sarah Palin, is around five months pregnant and (of course) is going to keep the child and marry the father, according to aides of Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Aides said Bristol Palin made the decision on her own to keep the baby, which given the political situation and buzz around it, would be tantamount to her own suicide if she thought any differently.
The Palins said Bristol "came to us with news that we as parents knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned" and that their daughter "has our unconditional love and support." McCain campaign officials said McCain knew of the daughter's pregnancy when he selected Palin last week as his running mate.
McCain's spin doctors said news of the daughter's pregnancy was being released to rebut the "mud-slinging and lies" that have circulated on blogs, most notably that Sarah Palin had faked her last pregnancy. Having "pretended" to have given birth in April to the retarded / retardedly named Trig, it is claimed Trig was actually Bristol Palin's child. I'm sure how a teenage pregnancy proves anything regarding a prior pregnancy, other than perhaps she's fertile as hell, but more to the point that her parents are doing a hell of a job!
What is the Republican Party these days if not the pro-teenage pregnancy, family focused, moral leaders we need?
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