Gennifer Moss, aka “Earth Friend Gen,” is a nudity-loving roller blader who has brought her unique brand of, uh, nude rollerblading to Oregon. A California native, she’s apparently visiting Portland this month. Judging by the big grin on her face as she skated at Tom McCall Waterfront Park during one recent rush hour, she was enjoying herself immensely. So, it seems, are the people who see her glide by, sometimes fully nude, brown hair flying. When police caught up with Moss — after a call, oddly enough, from a group of construction workers — the late-afternoon crowd booed them.
“We confronted her and told her that she couldn’t expose her genitalia,” said a police spokeswoman. (If I had a dollar for every time I heard that...)
But Gen fought back in the most (in)effective way possible: with words on her MySpace page:
Actually, public nudity is NOT against the law in Portland. . . . Only if you are simulating or actually having sex. So, the police do not have the right to tell me to put on bottoms . . . But flying around in a deerskin thong bikini bottom is pretty fun too! [...] I AM the Mayan Yellow Electric Warrior and I AM transforming into a Goddess of pure Love and Light!
I know two things about this chick for sure. One is there’s no way you could listen to her talk if she weren’t naked (NSFW nude photos? yeah, right here). Two is she’ll do you if she thinks it’ll save a tree. That’s why you should never leave home without an axe. “Well, I was just gonna go chop down some trees. Unless, of course, you have a better idea…”
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