Officials are up in arms about the federal government's plans to store nuclear waste at nearby Yucca Mountain. Don't worry, the feds respond — we'll build an army of super-robots to handle it. Okay, except...the plans apparently involve high-tech metal containers that haven't been invented yet, massive titanium shields that will have to be watertight to prevent corrosive water from getting at the waste containers, and a huge army of awesome robots that will go in 100 years from now and seal the place up.
No problem!
The Performance Confirmation program of the Yucca Mountain Repository Development Project needs to employ remotely operated robots to work inside the emplacement drifts which will have an environment unsuitable for humans. The robots will be required to operate inside the drifts for up to 8 hours per mission. Based on available functional requirements, at least the robot army idea has been taken seriously enough that the feds have already done some research on fuel cells that could survive in 180 degrees celsius heat and 200 rad/hour radiation. But that's about it...
This is a horror movie script waiting to happen. Nuclear waste, killer robots, Las Vegas, mutants...hell, I may have already seen this on CineMax.
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