Monday, July 2, 2012


I'm surprised SyFy Channel isn't making a movie about this beastie...

A huge crocodile blamed for several deadly attacks in the southern Philippines has set world records for the largest in captivity.  The saltwater crocodile named Lolong, was captured last September measures over 20 feet and weighs more than a ton.  Guinness World Records took their sweet ass time verifying it, but made their ruling over the weekend, as the reptile surpassed an Australian crocodile which measured more than 17 feet.

Bunawan Mayor Edwin Cox Elorde said the news sparked celebrations, but also fostered concerns that more giant crocodiles might be lurking in a nearby marshland and creek where villagers fish. Uh, now isn't the time for concern - that was last September, when you should have checked if Lolong has any other family members.  Since its capture, the crocodile has become the star attraction of a new ecotourism park and research center that has drawn thousands of tourists.  The town has earned 3 million pesos (or $72,000) from the park entrance fees - though most of the money being used to feed and care for the crocodile and for park maintenance.

The crocodile was captured with steel cable traps during a three-week hunt after a child was killed in 2009 and a fisherman went missing. Water buffalos have also been attacked by crocodiles in the area, officials said. About 100 people led by Elorde pulled the crocodile from a creek using a rope and then hoisted it by crane onto a truck.  Wow, this guy doesn't miss a public appearance. It was named after a government environmental officer who died from a heart attack after traveling to Bunawan to help capture the beast.  What an honor.  Elorde said he saw a bigger crocodile escape when Lolong was captured, and villagers remain wary of fishing there at night. He said he has formed a new team of hunters and is seeking government permission to start hunting that crocodile.  Again, timing...

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