Friday, December 21, 2007

R.I.P. You Fine Characters

Sacha Baron Cohen told The Daily Telegraph he's retiring both the clueless Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev and equally clueless aspiring London rapper Ali G.

"When I was being Ali G and Borat I was in character sometimes 14 hours a day and I came to love them, so admitting I am never going to play them again is quite a sad thing. It is like saying goodbye to a loved one. It is hard, and the problem with success, although it's fantastic, is that every new person who sees the Borat movie is one less person I `get' with Borat again, so it's a kind of self-defeating form, really."
Both were awesomely funny segments of his show and made for good films, but it's nice to see them not milked until the point they're stale. You got that Dan Ackroyd and whatever warm body you make a Blues Brother?

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