Haim acknowledged his struggle with drug abuse to The Sun in 2004. "I was working on Lost Boys when I smoked my first joint," he told the tabloid. "I did cocaine for about a year and a half, then it led to crack." Haim went into rehab and was put on prescription drugs. He took both stimulants and sedatives such as Valium. "I started on the downers which were a hell of a lot better than the uppers because I was a nervous wreck," he said. "But one led to two, two led to four, four led to eight, until at the end it was about 85 a day." Holy fuck! You win!
In 2007, he told ABC's "Nightline" that drugs hurt his career. "I feel like with myself I ruined myself to the point where I wasn't functional enough to work for anybody, even myself. I wasn't working." The only way I see drugs hurt his career is that he was on too many of them and took shitty roles.
Recently, he was in the A&E reality TV show "The Two Coreys" with Feldman. It was canceled in 2008 after two seasons. Feldman later said Haim's drug abuse strained their working and personal relationships. In an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live," Haim called himself "a chronic relapser for the rest of my life."
Perhaps Corey Feldman said it best: "I was awakened at 8:30 this morning by my brother and sister knocking on my bedroom door. They informed me of the loss of my brother, Corey Haim. My eyes weren't even open all the way when the tears started streaming down my face." And nevermind he's a grown man who lives with his brother and sister.
Those links to previous posts are hardcore, and you ought to check them out if only to underscore the serverity of Haim's rough ride...and once that's been satisfied, also for the trouble of me linking my past posts. Corey Haim should be remembered fondly for his work, and not the utter wreck his life ended up becoming.
A retrospective:
(1985) Secret Admirer - This was a sweet flick with C. Thomas Howell! He was totally pretending to be a black guy at college and...oh, wait. That was a different movie.
(1985) Silver Bullet - Can you believe they made a whole movie about drinking Coors? Hey, Locke from Lost was in this flick!
(1985) Murphy's Romance - Proving what I've said for years...James Garner as a sexy, romantic comedy lead.
(1986) Lucas - I didn't see this, but a young WinonaHorowitzRider was in it. She's hot, even if she has slept with half of the music industry. And I hear they even have a "slow clap" scene - wow, slow clap is old.
(1987) The Lost Boys - The movie ruled my world that summer. There is nothing bad that can be said about this film. Best film of the year (not The Last Emperor).
(1988) Watchers - Nobody really watch-ered this film, like most of the other Dean Koontz book adaptations.
(1988) License To Drive - And they said The Coreys wouldn't last. Oh, but they did!
(1989) Dream A Little Dream - Perhaps stoking the fires of the man-swap films (I'm refering to films like Prelude To A Kiss, not that other adult fare - Prelude To A Gangbang?). Important for two reasons - the emergence of Michael Jackson Corey Feldman and Meredith Sallenger's amazing breasts. I guess that's three things.
(1991) Prayer Of The Rollerboys - In the future, all gangs will be faggy, white power rollerbladers. Sadly, that future has not come yet, so all we have is his hopeful vision of the potential. Only in 1991 could this have ever been made. and it shows.
(1992) Blown Away - Finally, The Coreys are old enough to erotic thrillers! This was both terrible and predictable, but had Nicole Eggert topless. They were fakies, but remember, this is post Charles In Charge / Baywatch Nicole Eggert, not today's Celebrity Fat Club one.
(1995) Dream A Little Dream 2 - This needed a sequel like The Coreys needed work...badly. Or did I mean that's how it turned out. No Meredith Sallenger boobs = who cares.
(1996) Snowboard Academy - The can take the Police Academy franchise and send it to Russia and Miami, but into the mountains? That's not what happened here, but that would have been a better idea. Currently #59 on the IMDb's Worst 100 List.
(1996) Demolition High / (1997) Demolition University - A two-for-one turdfest, from the hands of Jim Wynorski. How do I know? First, look at one of the DVD covers. And also he did a Sci-Fi Channel telefilm that Famous-Ex worked on, which was garbage. But what other movie is the hero named Lenny Slater?
(2003) Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star - How Haim isn't in this photo is beyond me, but that is pretty much the gist.
(2008) Lost Boys: The Tribe - Totally unworthy of the name, all you get is a cameo at the end. A cameo that is stupid and nearly ruins the whole legacy of the first film. Fuck this movie with a wooden stake.
(2009) Crank: High Voltage - Playing strip club guy with a mullet and a t-shirt with milk jugs on it? This was the start of a comeback.

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