The other day I was talking to Herr Docktor about how much interweb I am, which is terrible but true, and I brought up the dreaded 4chan and all the memes and such. I explained to him what it was to FAP, but there are so many more things out there that need explanation. These are some of the more common things on the /b/ and across the interweb (though if you look at enough pages and post, you figure it out).
SAGE - When you enter sage in email field (at chans) your reply wouldn't count or keep the post alive. Sage comes from japan word meaning to lower.
SAGE GOES INTO ALL FIELDS - because when you have one cool word, you just have to use it everywhere.
PedoBear - PedoBear appears in every post pertaining to discussing child pornography (CP) or pictures of lolitas.
successful troll - when you make up a story and they believe you - you are successfull troll.
copypasta - you just copy some story from internet.If they know its copypasta, you are unsuccessful troll.
Bel-Air - When you are trolling (to troll also means to be an asshole with your posting and comments) people, and you have long story, you just need some cool ending, and what can be cooler than the opening song from "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air"? Most copypastas end with “and my mom got scared And said, “You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.”
BARREL ROLL - when you are in trouble, just do a barrel roll. Originated from some Nintendo game. Barrel roll is always the best solution to all problems.
Caturday - (see i can haz cheesburger).
Delicious Cake - from the game Portal. Cake is delicious, you have to solve problem so you can get to it and eat it.
ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT- from Pulp Fiction. Used when somebody makes grammar/spelling mistakes...because you know on internet imageboards you have to spell correctly!
I’D HIT IT! - when you see someone sexy you want to have sex with.
man the harpoons - when you see something not sexy. Can also be used as I’D HIT IT WITH HARPOON/NUKE/ION CANON/….
SAUCE - one time on 4chan, the word source got wordfiltered to sauce. Used when you want to know source of some porn picture. Also you can type sauce more easily with one hand than source, so …
A CAT IS FINE TOO - from a doujin in which the main character, Shiki, is depicted as a pedophile. He chases around Len, with intent to sex her up. He eventually corners her to a point where she can’t escape, so she turns into a cat. She thinks she is safe, but Shiki, who basically just rapes everything, unzips his fly and says ‘A CAT IS FINE TOO…'
divide by zero - its know fact that humans are not able to divide by zero. Well, 4channers are able to divide by zero - and when they do, something bad happens - usually a black hole appears...
goodnight sweet prince - term used mostly to troll people. When you just write name, year of birth - actual year, this meme and include photo, which tends to get people searching the web to acknowledge if the person really died.
ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER DO YOU SPEAK IT- from Pulp Fiction. Used when somebody makes grammar/spelling mistakes...because you know on internet imageboards you have to spell correctly!
I’D HIT IT! - when you see someone sexy you want to have sex with.
man the harpoons - when you see something not sexy. Can also be used as I’D HIT IT WITH HARPOON/NUKE/ION CANON/….
SAUCE - one time on 4chan, the word source got wordfiltered to sauce. Used when you want to know source of some porn picture. Also you can type sauce more easily with one hand than source, so …
A CAT IS FINE TOO - from a doujin in which the main character, Shiki, is depicted as a pedophile. He chases around Len, with intent to sex her up. He eventually corners her to a point where she can’t escape, so she turns into a cat. She thinks she is safe, but Shiki, who basically just rapes everything, unzips his fly and says ‘A CAT IS FINE TOO…'
divide by zero - its know fact that humans are not able to divide by zero. Well, 4channers are able to divide by zero - and when they do, something bad happens - usually a black hole appears...
goodnight sweet prince - term used mostly to troll people. When you just write name, year of birth - actual year, this meme and include photo, which tends to get people searching the web to acknowledge if the person really died.
over 9000 - from some manga, where were power levels and power level of one person was over nine thousand. Currently, it replaces every huge number - e.g. you wont say it happened in country 5000 miles away - you say it happened in country over nine thousand miles away!
an hero - meme started by Mitchell Henderson who killed himself because he lost his iPod. An means Anti.
TITS OR GTFO - request for girls who put up their pictures, or posters who promise sets of nude photos. As in show us your tits or get the fuck out.
camwhore / attention whore - girls which has been molested by their dads, cant get real boyfriends and they are getting attention because they shows themselves naked on the internet.
stick it to pooper - often used with camwhores when they show tits, the next comment is to stick something in their anus.
timestamp - often used with camwhores. they need to type date on some paper/body part. If they do so, the crowd believes that they are real and not just some repost from a porn page.
One does not simply _____ into Mordor - from Lord Of The Rings, when one is ridiculed many times.
So i herd u liek mudkips - translated into human language : so you love pokemons.
EFG (Epic Fail Guy) - everyone of ‘us’...just stickman with mask from V For Vendetta failing situations.
Profit - originated from the South Park episode with the underwear gnomes. It's any made up things in list, but the end must be ??? and Profit, and nobody knows what ??? stands for.
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