Monday, February 18, 2013

A Good Haircut Is A Good Haircut Anywhere In The Universe


Those big brains at MIT have managed to devise a "cocktail" that will get you sober a fraction of the time it took you to get blotto.  And here I thought they didn't ever go near parties...

The magic drunk bullets are enzymes fashioned after the body's normal organelles, and which flushing your system with a ton of (for lack of better term) "alcohol-eaters", clearing out alcohol molecules and putting your blood alcohol content on the right side of the decimal point. Or to hear it straight from the scientists conducting the study, it would “almost be like having millions of liver cell units inside your stomach or in your intestine, helping you to digest alcohol”.

Preliminary tests showed that drunk mice injected with the solution sobered up much quicker than those injected with a control, which means either this will one day be a boon to humans, or allow us to drink as much cheesewine as we want without fear of hangovers.

Begun - "San Francisco" (Or, What Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Feels Like)

Monday, February 4, 2013

There's A Rule Or Two That Applies

When President Obama had this recent gun firing photo op,

the interwebs did that thing that they do:

If you ask people not to to photoshop your press releases, well...

A Food Singularity

Your parents and grandparents probably never thought they'd live in an age where there would be computers the size of a coin or the interweb or any billion other achievements that time and technology have brought.  And just so, did our modern generation never expect the Doritos Loco Taco...but that's just the start.

In a nice little reciprocal marketing move, Frito-Lay is going to be offering Doritos in a Taco Bell  flavor.  Yes, they're reconstituting their chips to taste like a combination of nacho cheese and taco flavors, which, I assume is as simple as mixing in a packet of meat seasoning (paging Lawry's for a corporate three way).  You won't have too wait too long - this spring, we'll see if the flavor fancy goes both ways.

Of course, it's just a matter of time before we see Doritos Locos Tacos made from Taco Bell Taco flavored Doritos, right?  This will undoubtedly create a diarrhea paradox for all eaters, and prompt the chicken (taco) and egg question about what flavor begat which item.  Very meta - though the internal cramping and bleeding may not be.  And perhaps I'm burying the lede a little too, but there will be Cool Ranch flavored Doritos Locos Tacos coming...

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