"As soon as he sat down, he suddenly felt a knife-like pain and reacted instinctively by standing up," the China Times said. "When he looked down, he saw the big snake." That's what she said. But not there in China.
The 51-year-old man, from Nantou County, was under medical care with minor injuries, a director at Puli Christian Hospital said."As soon as he has passed the risk of infection, he can go," the director, who declined to be named, said. "A snake's mouth isn't always clean." I'm pretty sure that was also in a fortune cookie I had.
Local television images showed the black and yellow reptile, reportedly a species of rat snake, being uncoiled and plucked slowly from the toilet bowl. Snakes regularly enter rural homes in Taiwan and other sub-tropical regions of Asia.
That's one of my worst nightmares come true, but also why I look in the bowl before I sit down. I look in the bowl afterwards for another reason entirely, but even if you're not a bowl checker, dropping a heavy, fast load right away should block your toilet up enough so that any marauding intruders can be foiled. And for the record, Toilet Snake is an awesome email or online handle.
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