Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Like "The Reward"!

This fine film was produced by that shadowy organization known as "The Mormons". And, as you can see from this clip, they really know how to write some soaring prose that captures the teenage male mind. On second thought, since Mormons have a history of treating women like nothing more than vessels for their anointed sperm, it's probably closer to the adult male Mormon mind. Let's let the back of the VHS box speak for itself:

They were popular. They were the football team. They decided to choose the ugliest girl in school and give her "The Award" You'll never guess what happens when you see "The Award".

Based on a real-life incident, that bears a strong message for youth about moral values, and about compassion for people who are different from themselves. A warm and moving human interest production. For homes, classrooms, libraries, firesides. Of interest to all faiths.

So, I'm guessing that these jocks spend the first hour of this movie pushing nerds around and calling girls ugly, and then spend the last half hour learning that it's the inner beauty that truly matters. And then, I'm also guessing that they get on their knees and pray to their alien Jesus to smote the crap out of all the nonbelievers...and then marry, like, 50 women.

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