Some say the effects of the powders are as powerful as abusing methamphetamines, and authorities talk of banning their sale! How will secretaries relax after a hard day of work? Emergency calls are being reported for over-exposure to stimulants the powders often contain: mephedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone, aka MDPV. They can cause hallucinations, paranoia, rapid heart rates and suicidal thoughts, which, coincidentally I look forward to in a dunk in a nice warm tub.
Mississippi lawmakers this week began considering a proposal to ban the sale of the powders, and a similar step is being sought in Kentucky. In Louisiana, bath salts were already outlawed by an emergency order after the state's poison center received more than 125 calls in the last quarter of 2010 involving exposure to the chemicals. There are all kinds of horror stories about bath salts, like this tale of a doctor's son: Dr. Richard Sanders said his son, Dickie, snorted some of the chemicals and endured three days of intermittent delirium. Dickie Sanders missed major arteries when he cut his throat. As he continued to have visions, his father tried to calm him, but the elder Sanders said that as he slept, his son went into another room and shot himself. Sanders warns the substances are far more dangerous than some of their brand names imply. Yeah...if you snort, smoke or inject them rather than let them dissolve in water that you soak in.
Its always the dumb motherfuckers who use things wrong that ruin it for everybody else. Let's make cars illegal because some people get killed when others drive recklessly. That's not what they're supposed to be used for, but we need to take things away from people for their own safety. Correction - things need to be taken away from you and I because other morons can't used them properly. I hope every idiot who gets high on bath salts kills themselves.
Its always the dumb motherfuckers who use things wrong that ruin it for everybody else. Let's make cars illegal because some people get killed when others drive recklessly. That's not what they're supposed to be used for, but we need to take things away from people for their own safety. Correction - things need to be taken away from you and I because other morons can't used them properly. I hope every idiot who gets high on bath salts kills themselves.
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