Best of the week: Avatards are the new Twitards, and just as lame.

"I just watched avatar a few weeks ago and I'm feeling depressed and sad. It's like I want to reach out and be in Pandora. I'd do anything to be in Pandora. I've tried so hard to dream about me being on Pandora but it hasn't worked."
"Ever since I went to see Avatar I have been depressed. Watching the wonderful world of Pandora and all the Na'vi made me want to be one of them. I can't stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it. I even contemplate suicide thinking that if I do it I will be rebirthed in a world similar to Pandora and the everything is the same as in Avatar."
"Because, at this point, there isn't pretty much anything else that can be done. Until the release of DVD/BluRay. But even that won't take away all of the depression. Because you know you can never actually go to Pandora, as it exists only in our imagination... sigh... :("
It's a fucking movie, and while visually stimulating, not exactly a great one. Without the 3-D, it's hardly even good. And if your life sucks so hard and you're so delusional to think that living in a movie world is the answer, don't bother coming out of your parents basement.
Plus: Ask karma if payback is a bitch.
An escaped British convict whose online antics drew an international Internet fan base has been caught after nearly four months on the run, police said Wednesday.
Craig "Lazie" Lynch, 28, was caught by Scotland Yard in southern England. The force confirmed only that he had been arrested and gave few other details. Why this matters is only because he became an international interweb sensation after escaping from jail and spending his time taunting the authorities on Facebook.
Lynch was serving time for burglary at a minimum security prison in Suffolk and escaped on September 23 last year. He had been posting defiant photos of himself mocking the police, drawing as many as 40,000 fans to his Facebook page and other associated fan sites. Being on the lam spawned T-shirts and even a tribute song, but mostly the pleasure of laughing at his dumb as for being caught again when she should have been laying low. Coming soon, the definition of "being made an example of".

Years ago, I used to read Details magazine. It was pretty similar to GQ and Esquire, until their gay vibe became so blatant, it overpowered and tainted any enjoyment of reading. Their series of wanktastic covers and stories I ignore, but they're pretty persistent about getting [in]to the bottoms of Hollywood and rubbing our faces in it. But at least, sometimes when they do, it's hilarious.
Just-barely qualifying as an actor, Channing Tatum talked about and incident on the set of "The Eagle of the Ninth". During shooting, he had to stand in ice-cold water for just a few minutes at a time.
"The only way to keep warm was by pouring a mix of boiling water and river water down your suit. We were finally done shooting for the day, and one of the crew guys asks if I want to warm up before I go. I'm like, Nah, I'm good. And then I thought, Why not?" Chan recounted to the mag. "Thing is, he'd forgotten to dilute the kettle water. So he poured scalding water down my suit. And I was trying to pull the suit away from my body to somehow get away from the boiling water, and the more I pulled the suit away, the lower the water went. It just went straight down and pretty much burned the skin off the head of my dick."
Tatum said he asked the cabbie who was driving him to the hospital for extra help. "I said to the driver, who was ex-special-forces Marines, 'You might have to knock me out, because I don't know if I can take the pain. Just grab something and hit me on the back of my head. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life." He added, to the chagrin of all their gay readers fantasies, "I'm Now my penis is fantastic! One hundred percent recovered."
Details magazine - true journalism. And embarrassing stories.
And: Comeuppance?
A federal appeals court in New York has revived a lawsuit that accuses major record labels controlling 80% of U.S. digital music sales of scheming to charge high prices.
The lawsuit brought by music purchasers had been tossed out by a lower court judge, but the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan that the lawsuit can proceed. It said there are enough facts to consider the claims. The legal action combined lawsuits brought across the country. They accused record companies of conspiring to charge at least 70 cents a song on the interweb, even though their costs were much lower than in record stores.
Anything to help destroy the music industry is okay with me.
Best picture of the week:
Best bonus links:
• Are Men More Evolved? Y Chromosome Study Suggests Yes - I'm going to agree, just based on gender.
• Star Wars Goes Burlesque - Some interesting pictures, and some horrific ones.
• Canada History Magazine Drops Double-Entendre Name - It is a sad day in publishing history. And for beaver jokes.
• Fat Butts May Be Healthy - Dr. Sir-Mix-A-Lot, thy claims be confirmed!
• Belgian Doctors Give Injured Woman A New Windpipe - There's a husband out there somewhere about to hear a lot of new nagging.
• Piquet Jr. Says He's Trading F1 For NASCAR - Good's to you fouling up something I care nothing about.
• Legendary Brazilian Aid Worker Among The Victims Of Haiti Earthquake - When I'm done laughing I'll make a joke about irony.
• If HP Lovecraft Wrote C Manuals - Absolutely the thing that should not be.
Worst of the week: Please god, no more Tila Tequila.Tila Tequila is a vile creature for so many reasons, though mostly due to her need to do literally anything for attention. And she’s currently spiraling into a complete psychotic break in real time, twatting the whole way down.
First she decided she was an angel sent from God:
Listen u guys wanna know about Haiti? Let me tell you something right now. There will be more disasters to come. Even bigger! Warning signs.
I know how the world will end, and yes, it will end. Not in the way you all think it is, but it will end.
Everything you do now is totally irrelevant to what is to come. I am only here to warn you as God’s Messenger and Angel disguised as A Human
God took the Love of my Life away from me because I promised him that I was only here to do my job. But I fell in Love with Another Angel
So he took her away from me. That was my fault. I broke the rules of being an Angel on Earth as a messenger. We’re not allowed 2 fall in luv
With another Angel. Cuz it will distract me from doing my job of helping the world. The minute I fell in love with another Angel, I stopped.
God sent me here, but did not tell me how or what I needed to do, so just like all other Angels, I had to choose my path on how 2 blend in..
But now time has run out, I have no choice but to reveal myself and who I really am. There is no more time to waste. We must help each other
From me trying to stand up for Domestic Violence, Fight For Gay Rights & animal cruelty, Starting the #TilaArmy 4 those who are good pple..
I try as best I can 2 gather all the good people 2gether & help those that are in need. But as i said, I am only the messenger that u killed
These will be my last words and my last warning 2 everyone on Twitter. I pray for you & your loved ones. God Bless & take care. Off I go. xo
I wil be gone for a while as I have teamed up with some Ambassadors. My next step is to become Ambassador 4 my country in Vietnam….
Say goodbye to “TILA TEQUILA” as she is no longer needed & I have revealed my true identity. Real work needs to be done now. I must go.
I have a baby growing inside of me now, & that is my new happiness in life. Happiness is something hard to find, but then again. not really.
That is the big news. Its no longer my brother’s baby as Surrogate mother. It is MY very own baby. Yes. MINE. Jayden came back to his Mommy!
Ps-I’m just happy cuz the baby’s father is a AMERICAN HERO! Served in the US ARMY 4 10 years & fought war in Afgan & got shot. He survived.
Now hes out of Army after 10 years and is now a fireman and EMT! My baby’s father is a HERO and saves lives & risked his own in call of duty
yes my babys father was in Afgan for 10 years & got shot many times. He survived. Casey wanted me to do invitro with him cuz hes a HERO! xox
Casey & I planned the pregnancy together, she wanted me to be the pregnant one, that’s why I did it & we picked a US VET HERO!!! SO blessed!
New picture. Next Chapter. Time to move on & shut media out of my personal life. I will only let u in so far & now its back 2 business. xo
Great news! I am currently starting my process 2 become Ambassador of Vietnam! Fingers crossed! My other Ambassador friend I know R helping
As Ambassador 4 Vietnam I’ll do SO much 2 help my country! I will help them THRIVE & flourish! In honor of all my ancestors who died in war!

Great...chipped teeth and shredded genitals. Sounds romantic.
And: Science gets obvious.
Does having tattoo make you a deviant? A new study of tattooed and/or pierced college students reveal the correlation between having body art and deviant behaviors. And this should surprise us?
Aside from their use of the body as a canvas, the students were asked about various aspects of their behavior, including drug and alcohol use, sexual activity and whether they cheat on tests. The findings revealed "sharp differences in the levels of deviant behavior among those with just one tattoo vs. those with four or more, and among those with just one to three piercings vs. those with seven or more". Not clear? They rephrase, "The level of deviance reported by respondents with low levels of body art is much closer to those with none than to those with multiple tattoos and piercings, or intimate piercings."
"Results indicate that respondents with four or more tattoos, seven or more body piercings, or piercings located in their nipples or genitals, were substantially and significantly more likely to report regular marijuana use, occasional use of other drugs, and a history of being arrested for a crime," the paper continues. "Less pronounced, but still significant in many cases, was an increased propensity for those with higher incidence of body art to cheat on college work, binge drink and report having had multiple sex partners over the course of their lifetime."
In other word, the cool, fun people in college are still the same as you expected.
Worst picture of the week:

Worst bonus links:
• Sarah Palin Makes Debut As Fox News Contributor - Other than McDonalds, there's still one place the retarded can be employed.
• No. 1 Pick Griffin To Have Season-Ending Surgery - Not sure if you can use those words when you've never played a regular season game. Number one fail.
• Reid To Obama: Sorry For 'No Negro Dialect' Remark / Blagojevich: 'Blacker' Than Obama Comment 'Stupid' - Haven't politicians learned that you can't win if you talk about Black Jesus?
• Lost Sleep Can't Be Made Up, Study Suggests - Damn, there were a whole bunch of wet dreams I was looking forward to...
• Halle Berry's Family Bypasses Airport Security - Looks like the system is still working. Thanks, new world order!
• Bernie Ecclestone Wants Racetrack Shortcuts - Totally stupid idea from the increasingly senile elderly muppet-in-charge. And the recommendation to have less efficient brakes in the cars, breathtaking!
• Couch Potatoes May Have Shorter Lives - More proof that According To Jim is lethal viewing.
• Shaving A Fly’s Penis With A Laser - It was going to be one of the best links...but c'mon, it's about a fly's penis.
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